Provide the ultimate security for your home while not compromising on style. Rhino or Porchetster Security Shutters from Wild Orchid are the perfect solution for discerning home owners in search of a sophisticated security solution. Traditional security options for windows have previously been limited to ugly burglar bars, grilles or roller shutters doors. But these attractive Rhino Security plantation security shutters offer a whole new dimension to window security.
Made from aluminium and stainless steel and with a patented lock system these plantation Rhino or Porchester Security Shutters from Wild Orchid provide serious protection for your home. Made in South Africa where home security is a top priority, these shutters set the precedent in window and door protection. A sleek solution for vulnerable windows, these plantation Rhino Security Shutters can be fitted internally wherever a wooden shutter, security grill, curtain or blind would normally go.

Putting you in full control of light, heat and privacy, shutters have long been the choice of the style-conscious. Elegantly framing your windows, providing a timeless backdrop or a statement window dressing, Shutters from Wild Orchid are a versatile, fashion-forward option for beautiful homes.
Shutters aren’t just good to look at. With the twitch of a tilt rod rooms are flooded with light or locked into privacy. Let light filter through louvers or bathe your rooms in sunshine as you play with the multitude of options for louvre and panel positions.
Our Shutters offer incredible light control, but they are great insulators too, substantially reducing heat loss. Shutters provide added security and help to reduce noise levels, as well.
Other Shutters Available
Solid Panels
Solid panels are suitable for a more traditional surrounding and offer open or folded back shutters or closed completely to block out any light.
Shutter Material
Shutters are available in a variety of different materials to suit your home. We offer three types of hardwoods and MDF. shutters can be made of waterproof material if needed.
Plantation Shutter
Beautiful interior plantation shutters all available in a variety of styles and colours and made to your exact requirements, our popular plantation shutters will add a touch of class to any room.